Just a quick one before I start my day.....
For dearest Serina,... I know I promised to bring him to you while you were in KL, but because I inadvertedly went back on my word, here's the a soft copy of his photo to tide you over for now:

Isn't he dreamy? *swooooooooon* AND good with his fingers too......
TAGS: Weblog, Blog, Malaysia, Personal, MPO, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, Kuala Lumpur, Music, Violinist
Transfer From Haloscan
ReplyDeletePenny For Your Thoughts
LOL! I came over with the sole purpose of asking you to quick update coz I'm bored, and to lament the fact that I was in KL for two whole weeks and you never loaned him to me as promised!
Yay, thanks!
Though he looks better in real life, especially when he looks straight at me and we share a moment at the MPO...
s | Homepage | 09.22.05 - 4:26 pm | #
Moment? What moment?
*changes in gangsta gal mode*
You'd better back off-a my man, girlfriend!
JQ | Homepage | 09.22.05 - 4:40 pm | #
The sheer denial in this post is just terrifying...
Albert | Homepage | 09.23.05 - 12:31 am | #
Albert, for your own good, you'd better stay out of this. It's going to get messy and you dont want to be stuck in the middle...
JQ: Tis wasnt a moment. Twas many a momentS we a-shared. So bling-bling your for snizzle fizzle mizzle la bomb *cool rapper pose*
s | Homepage | 09.23.05 - 9:09 am | #
Al: Yeah,.... hahaha.. but denial is so fun sometimes, no?
S: Oh.... you ~did~ not go there, girlfriend... What you doing dis-respecting me like that? You gotta stop frontin', girl...Now there's only one way to solve this problem:
JQ | Homepage | 09.23.05 - 10:09 am | #
*shoots himself*
Pat | Homepage | 09.23.05 - 7:35 pm | #
good with his fingers you say...
Soo Jin | Homepage | 09.25.05 - 1:07 pm | #
Pat: hhahahaha... oh come on,...it's not ~that~ bad, is it?
Soo Jin: Oh yeaah,... he's a musician, you know... very talented...*wink wink*
JQ | Homepage | 09.26.05 - 11:29 am | #