If you are having any trouble at all finding unusual gifts for your loved ones
at Christmas, here are a few ideas:
1) HUFU™
aka. "Mmmmmmm, You Won't Believe It's NOT Human Meat!"
What does Hufu™ taste like? Does it taste like human flesh?
Hufu™ is designed to resemble, as humanly possible, the taste and texture of human flesh. If you've never had human flesh before, think of the taste and texture of beef, except a little sweeter in taste and a little softer in texture. Contrary to popular belief, people do not taste like pork or chicken.
How do you know Hufu™ tastes like human flesh?
The taste and texture of Hufu™ are the result of painstaking research and extensive testing in our kitchens. We are supremely confident that our food products would satisfy the tastes of even the most demanding cannibal.
Who actually buys Hufu™?
Hufu™ was originally conceived of as a product for students of anthropology hungry for the experience of cannibalism but deterred by the legal and logistical obstacles. However, our preliminary market research revealed the existence of a larger segment of the public that was interested in the availability of a legal and healthy human flesh substitute, as well as vegetarians and vegans. We also found that Hufu™ is a great product for cannibals who want to quit. Hufu™ is also a great cannibal convenience food -- no more Friday night hunting raids! Stay at home and enjoy the flavorful, convenient human flesh alternative.
2) Pee & Poo™
For The Fecalphiliac In You!
What is it?
Straight out of a toilet and into your bed . The new Pee & Poo toys are cute, cuddly and a little controversial. Designer Emma Megitt launched her unique friends at the Future Designer Days Expo this year. The first batch of Pee & Poo toys hit Sweden and where sold out quicker than you can say Abba. The controversy surrounding a line of toys representing human waste has created great publicity for Megitt and has launched her name into the designer world spotlight. Originally sold separately Pee & Poo now come in a duo pack. So you get both bodily functions covered in the one box.
These toys are perhaps the most subtle, lovable and harmless way you can physically represent urine and excrement in the form of a plush toy. For a quick language course on the words Pee and Poo in several foreign tongues go to the web site where they are listed. by Andy G via toysrevil.blogspot.
3) Subversive Cross-Stiching
Be Different!
Happy What??
Tired of boring ol', run of the mill Christmas greetings?
Hand-make special greetings for your loved ones with kits from Subversive Cross-Stich...
Now I've really seen it all....
(especially with Hufu™ - eek)
Well,... at least it's different, right?
TAGS: Weblog, Blog, Malaysia, Personal, Christmas, Hufu, Subversive Cross-Stitch, Unusual Gift, Unusual Gifts
Didi's, Wangsa Maju
20 hours ago
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